Emergency Night Shelter Comes To An End
We operated an emergency winter shelter provision from 29th November until 28 February, through some of the most atrocious weather when temperatures fell to as low as – 10º. In all 57 unique individuals used the Shelter, with an average nightly occupancy of 20 persons. 19 have been found permanent accommodation and 3 have made their way into employment.
None of this would have been possible were it not for the support of the Salvation Army who made available their premises in Armitage Street, and St John’s Ambulance Service who were in attendance every evening. We are also indebted to Luton Borough Council who financed it in full. This has been immensely helpful, particularly when we have introduced a ‘soup kitchen’ funded by voluntary donations to run in tandem with, and beyond the closure of, the shelter.
To all those agencies, those who volunteered with us, and our other funders we are truly grateful. And to you, thank you for your support.