2017/2018 Emergency Winter Shelter Report
The 10th NOAH Winter Shelter was open for 58 nights between 12th November 2017 and 20th March 2018 where temperatures fell below 0°c or other very poor weather conditions prevailed such as extreme wind chill conditions and/or freezing rain.
Overall the shelter accommodated 130 people (94 last year) of 12 different nationalities and provided 1,182 bed spaces (730 last year).
We worked closely with our partners Luton Central Baptist Church who rented us their hall, and with the Homeless Prevention Team at Central Bedfordshire Council who sent 3 rough sleepers from Dunstable to stay with us over 5 nights.
The project was delivered by 8 different NOAH staff members and supported by 32 different volunteers (26 last year) who delivered 241 voluntary shifts (103 in last year) between them equating to over 1,092 hours of voluntary support.
This is an exceptional commitment which has made a significant to the operation of this vital service.
Here is a link to the full report >> Winter Shelter Final report 2017-18