Alleviating poverty, bringing hope

‘Supportive and Welcoming Environment’ – NOAH Academy’s glowing OFSTED report

In March 2020, Central Bedford Council –  Bedfordshire Employment and Skills Service (BESS) of which NOAH is a subcontractor of, underwent an Ofsted inspection. Courses offered by NOAH include basic skills, improving your personal health and well-being, and courses to help residents return to work.

In May 2020, Ofsted published their report and BESS continues to be a GOOD provider. After visiting some of NOAHs courses the following observations made were –

What is it like to be a learner with this provider?
Adult learners develop their confidence and self-esteem. This enables them to better manage their levels of social anxiety and mental well-being. They value learning in safe environments. Adults enjoy interacting and talking to people who face similar difficulties to themselves. This helps them find positive solutions to improve the day to-day challenges they experience.

What does the provider do well?
Teaching staff provide a supportive and welcoming environment for learners. They develop their confidence and self-esteem by interacting and working in small groups. Learners are engaged and motivated to learn

The full report can be accessed here –